Personal Growth Track

During the Personal Growth Track, you are building your personal portfolio. This portfolio consists of four sections:

  1. Who are you and what is your starting position?
  2. What are your learning goals and why did you choose them?
  3. What did you do to reach these goals?
  4. Did you reach your goals, how and why (not), and how did you grow?

More information is in the Personal Growth blabla, that can be found here:

Any questions? Ask your personal growth coach.


Who are you? What kind of personality are you? What are your dreams, hopes, fears? Those are questions you are going to explore in this first part.

1.1 Who are you? What does someone else need to know about you to be able to understand you better?

1.2 Image it’s 2030 and you wake up: what does your day look like? Be as specific as possible. Remember: see this exercise as a way to explore your hopes and dreams, not as a detailed plan of the future.

1.3 Watch this video by Simon Sinek about the Golden Circle. Sinek talks about brands, but you can also use his model on individuals.

Try and answer the following questions (it’s a way of brainstorming):

WHY do you get out of bed in the morning?

HOW do you translate that ‘why’ to your life?

WHAT do you actually do?

1.4 Do the 16 Personalities test and reflect on the result. You can find the test here.

1.5 Fill in your Ikigai. You’ll find more information here.

Don’t forget to reflect on the outcomes of these steps. Make sure to document them too.


You are now ready to define your learning goals. What do you want to learn during your stay in the IMI Lab? Remember: your learning goals can relate to your fascination with the music industry, your project, your study but always need to have a larger significance for you as a person. This is not (only) about regular education.

2.1 Define your learning goals as SMART as possible. Remember: SMART is just a tool. Most important: WHY do you as a person want to reach this goal? What does it bring you as a person?

2.2 Relate your learning goals to the four types of goals as defined by the CF Personal Growth Program. More info is in the IMI Lab Guide. You can find the guide in our Classroom in Teams.

  • Deep Dive
  • Bildung
  • Community
  • Skill Mastery
  • Adventure

Make sure to document the outcomes.

Now that you’ve had a dialogue with your coach, you are ready to draw a roadmap.

Your roadmaps show the route you are going to take to reach your personal goals.

Your roadmap consists of three ingredients:

  • Who are you? (16 personalities, golden circle, ikigai) Make sure to REFLECT on the outcomes.
  • What are your personal goals? (be as SMART as possible)
  • How are you going to reach your goal? (also mention the category: deep dive, bildung, community, skill mastery, adventure)

What form should your Roadmap be? Any, you decide. But you must be able to explain why you chose that specific form. Upload your Roadmap to the right folder in Teams.