Prospect Eleven wanders on the brink of community building and urban project development in Amsterdam Zuidoost. The organization offers young creative entrepreneurs a physical location to work and grow, both personally and as an entrepreneur.
The thriving local music scenes (artists and audience) in Zuidoost are not isolated, standalone social and creative networks. Instead, they are integrated in various ways into the professional music infrastructure of the metropolis of Amsterdam.
Zuidoost artists perform in different venues and festivals across the city, from Melkweg to Parralel, from Amsterdam Open Air to Thuishaven. When suitable venues are lacking in their own district, promoters from Zuidoost organize their events in these same venues, catering to an audience that partly comes from Zuidoost. Moreover, the majority of professional music infrastructure, such as recording studios, booking agencies, publishing and labels, as well as the closely intertwined creative industry and retail sector (for example brands like Patta, TNO) are located within the city.
Starting from this premise that the music ecosystem of Amsterdam is an interdependent system of music scenes and music infrastructure, the question arises: How can the music scenes in Zuidoost be further supported or expanded in a way that enables them to contribute sustainably to a thriving economic and cultural music ecosystem in Amsterdam?